East Liberty nonprofit Youth Enrichment Services Named 2019 Champion in Action
“Trib Total Media recognizes the power of the mentorship provided to young people in the Pittsburgh region by Youth Enrichment Services.”
— Jennifer Bertetto, Trib Total Media President and CEO
By Courier Editor, March 4, 2019
The New Pittsburgh Courier has learned that Youth Enrichment Services (YES), a nonprofit providing socially and economically at-risk youth the opportunity to achieve success through participation in mentorship, education and enrichment programs, has been named a 2019 Champion in Action in the category of Youth Leadership. The award, announced jointly by Citizens Bank, WPXI-TV, Trib Total Media and Pittsburgh Cares, includes $35,000 in unrestricted funding as well as promotional and volunteer support for the organization’s outstanding work, according to a release.
Youth Enrichment Services (YES) provides empowerment, experiential opportunities, academic enrichment and summer employment as positive pathways to future success. YES partners with local organizations to create synergy and generates transformative stories, national accolades and positive research outcomes.

Ahead of its time and punching above its weight, Youth Enrichment Services (YES) formed in 1994 to create hope out of hopelessness, paint a bright future out of uncertainty and give young people from inner-city and urban communities a portrait of themselves as successful, empowered, and confident leaders. With YES’ mentorship, our young people go on to become leaders among their peers, and within their schools, homes, and communities.
YES started as Project YES, a summer learning program providing West Virginia youth in public housing communities with academic enrichment, agricultural training, sports development, and mentorship. Project YES generated transformative stories, national accolades, and positive research outcomes that have since informed the organization’s direction.
Etched in the fabric of YES is the value of community-centered programming and the vision for communities to adopt enrichment initiatives. Project YES communities embraced this self-sustaining practice and now operate YES-like programs in many West Virginia locales. This same spirit influenced YES’s move to Pittsburgh, where it became a prime intervention to address urban blight, academic underachievement, and drop-out among teens in center city Pittsburgh. Since its transition, YES has maintained its passion for helping young people realize their goals and dreams and has committed to a mission focused on empowerment, experiential opportunities, academic enrichment, and summer employment.
YES has created a unique confluence of traditional institutions such as the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, local foundations, and university partners to create a synergy that embeds success in every one of our students and families, our mentors, our staff, and our board. Our partnerships, collaborations, long-term funding sources, and other internal and external support continue to make YES the prize jewel of community empowerment in the city of Pittsburgh.
Youth Enrichment Services traces its roots to the Project YES, a pilot program first implemented in several West Virginia public housing communities in the early 1990s (see Our Video's page). Extensive research and evaluation within the pilot program underscored the positive effect that creative and active learning have on children and teens, as well as the positive impact the programs could have on the community.
Building upon those experiences, Youth Enrichment Services, Inc., a non-profit 501 (C) (3) corporation was formed in 1994. Our objective was — and remains — to design and implement educational opportunities for minority and underserved children living in public housing and economically disadvantaged communities in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
YES is an ongoing success story. The proactive programs developed and nurtured by YES work in unison as positive pathways to future success. Through mentoring partnerships, peer assisted tutoring programs, and — when needed — monitoring and mentoring programs for juvenile offenders, YES invests its talent, energy, time, and resources in empowering and enriching the lives of children and teens.
young people served through YES programming.
years of dedicated service to local communities, students, and families.
has been invested in youth wages and stipends.
YES provides socially and economically at risk youth the opportunity to achieve success through participation in mentorship, education, and enrichment programs.
OUR Staff
YES’ mission is fulfilled through the efforts of our committed and dedicated staff listed below. Please peruse their profiles to see what brought them to this work, their roles at YES, and the ways in which you can connect with them.
YES is governed by a diverse Volunteer Board of Directors whose sacrifices and commitment are unparalleled. These members' participation is guided by their genuine and sincere commitment to YES’ mission and serving the youth and families of Pittsburgh. Their commitment, coupled with their expertise, is what propels and pushes YES’ strategic priorities forward. Their profiles are included below.

Vice President


Legal Counsel
