East Liberty nonprofit Youth Enrichment Services Named 2019 Champion in Action
“Trib Total Media recognizes the power of the mentorship provided to young people in the Pittsburgh region by Youth Enrichment Services.”
— Jennifer Bertetto, Trib Total Media President and CEO
By Courier Editor, March 4, 2019
The New Pittsburgh Courier has learned that Youth Enrichment Services (YES), a nonprofit providing socially and economically at-risk youth the opportunity to achieve success through participation in mentorship, education and enrichment programs, has been named a 2019 Champion in Action in the category of Youth Leadership. The award, announced jointly by Citizens Bank, WPXI-TV, Trib Total Media and Pittsburgh Cares, includes $35,000 in unrestricted funding as well as promotional and volunteer support for the organization’s outstanding work, according to a release.
Youth Enrichment Services (YES) provides empowerment, experiential opportunities, academic enrichment and summer employment as positive pathways to future success. YES partners with local organizations to create synergy and generates transformative stories, national accolades and positive research outcomes.

Conference presentationS
Jones, D. L. Documenting What Matters Most: Leveraging Out of School Time Experiences in College Admissions Process. Western Pennsylvania College Success Forum. Pittsburgh, PA.
Jones, D. L., Sinex, D., Jones, D. F., and Pearson, Z. Remixing the Learning Lab: A unique approach to summer learning for under-resourced youth of color. Extended Learning Opportunities Conference. Harrisburg, PA
Sinex, D., Jones, D.L., Allen, D., Jones, D. F., Pearson, Z. Investigating Violence through Exploratory Learning Courses in a Community-Based Context. Awakening Conference. Tulsa, OK.
Jones, D. L., Sinex, D., Pearson, Z., Jones, D. F. Barriers to engagement in OST programming for underserved youth of color. Society for Research on Adolescents. Chicago, IL.
Jones, D. F., Kelley, O., Jones, D. L., Porter, M., Sinex, D., Pearson, Z. Survive to Thrive and Dream: Changing the Narrative for Black Youth. Society for Research on Adolescents. Chicago, IL.
Jones, D. F., Sinex, D., Lee, C., Jones, D. L. Sport-for-development programs as a violence prevention strategy. American Public Health Association (APHA). Denver, CO.
Jones, D. L., Sinex, D., and Jones, D. F. Tracing a legacy of youth-engaged researchers in rebuilding institutional trust in made-marginalized communities. American Public Health Association (APHA).. Denver, CO.
Jones, D. L., McClain, R., Reynolds, L., Sinex, D., Jones, D. F. Developing youth leaders to address community violence. American Public Health Association (APHA). Denver, CO.
Porter, M., Jones, D. L., Sinex, D., Jones, D. F. Who can I run to?: Exploring the help-seeking behaviors and coping practices of young black males in a male mentoring program. American Public Health Association (APHA). Denver, CO.
Jones, D. L., Sinex, D., Jones, D. F., Crawford,. L., and Kelley, O. Why Diversion Programs are Not Enough: Making the Case for Extended Diversion Services. Pennsylvania Conference on Juvenile Justice. Harrisburg, PA.
More than a Dream: Building Toward Black Youths’ Post-Secondary Futures. Pennsylvania Out of School Time Conference. Lancaster, PA.
Disrupting the Cycle: Reflecting on journeys of healing for Black Women. American Public Health Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
We’re in this together: Reimagining how educational institutions can leverage community-based organizations to support at-risk students’ post-secondary success. American Public Health Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Black boy grief: Examining the ways to support Black men in urban environments. American Public Health Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Harnessing Black Boy Joy: Voices to Men as a Public Health Intervention. American Public Health Association Conference. Boston, MA.
Where’s our place in this?: Lessons Learned regarding Stakeholder Engagement in a Community-Centered Violence Prevention Community Partnership. American Public Health Association Conference. Boston, MA.
Black Girl Magic: Black girls defining holistic health through community-based Female Empowerment and Wellness Initiative. American Public Health Association Conference. Virtual.
Whole food, new mind: Gauging youth perspectives on receiving food assistance within a summer program.
American Public Health Association Conference. Virtual.
Black boys' health matters: Lessons learned from a community-based male mentoring program. American Public Health Association Conference. Virtual.
Fusing Geospatial (GIS) Education and Youth-Led Participatory Action Research: A Case Study of Urban Youth Engagement in CBPR Approaches to Address Lead Exposure and Tobacco use in Pittsburgh Communities.
Greater Pittsburgh Nonprofit Partnership Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
“Don’t forget about us”: Examining Declines in Sport Participation Among Black and White Rural Female Athletes. American Public Health Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Measuring Up: An Analysis of Youth Enrichment Services’ Efforts to Increase College Access and Persistence Among Low-income Students of Color. American Public Health Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Recovering Lost Narratives: Exploring a Community-Institution Partnership to Document Narratives of Opioid Survivors. American Public Health Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Justice Entrepreneurship: Incubating the Work of Community Literacy in Pittsburgh. Conference on Community Writing. Philadelphia, PA.
"Camp FeWi: A Response to Declining Female Sport Participation." ASAC. Canada.
Performing Trust through Wise Mentorship. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PA.
University, the Health Department, and the Community partnering to address Lead Exposure and Lead Awareness in Lincoln-Lemington. American Public Health Association Conference. San Diego, CA.
Harnessing Youth Power: A community-institution partnership to examine tobacco in the retail environment. American Public Health Association Conference. San Diego, CA.
Fusing Geospatial (GIS) Education and Youth Led Participatory Action Research: A case study of urban youth engagement source mapping to address lead exposure in Lincoln-Lemington. American Public Health Association Conference. San Diego, CA.
Closing the STEM Achievement Gap with Open Source Tools: A case study examining the use of technical education and peer teaching in a youth-led community-based participatory research project. American Public Health Association Conference. San Diego, CA.
Moving Youth-Involved Partnerships Forward in Addressing Community Health: Lessons Learned in a Community Participatory Lead Research Project. American Public Health Association Conference. San Diego, CA.
Exploring Gender-Specific Sport Programs’ Role in Building Participants’ Self-Concepts, Sport Attitudes, and Long-term Sport Engagement. IC-PASHDA Conference. Accra, Ghana.
Utilizing a Youth Driven Employment and Self-Enrichment Model for Conscious Community Development.
ASAC. Canada.
Improving Academic Self-Efficacy, School Connectedness, and Identity in Truant Pittsburgh Students: A Preliminary Study of the All About Me Program. American Public Health Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Saying yes to Y.E.S.: A Qualitative Analysis of the Factors that Attract and Sustain Low-Income Students’ Participation in Summer Learning Programs. Columbia University. New York, NY.
Voices from within: A Qualitative Analysis of YES™ Juvenile Diversion Program. American Public Health Association Conference. Denver, Colorado.
Mentor Self-Efficacy and Mentorship Knowledge in Disadvantaged Youth: An Exploratory Study of a Teen Peer-Mentorship Training Program. International Conference on Physical Activity and Health and Development in Africa. Nairobi, Kenya.