Our Pathways to Access Program (PAP) held its first Career Spotlight and left our students inspired and informed on new and familiar career paths: entrepreneurship, engineering, and health care. Representatives from various professions gave a diverse perspective on career opportunities as well as guidance for youth interested in similar pursuits. Daria Segers, a Physician Assistant (PA), commenced the event. She gave tangible advice about pursuing a Doctorate Degree and its advantages and disadvantages and contrasted it with her current work as a PA. She noted that being a PA is similar to being a doctor — it allows one to work in the medical field, but requires less grueling educational training. Students found interest in this career as a viable secondary option.
Our second speaker, Christine Austin El, is an entrepreneur who found her way selling life insurance. Being laid off from her corporate sector work, she decided to pursue entrepreneurship. Affixed to her previous life, she was excited to become her own boss, but had little knowledge on what she wanted to do. In the process of discovery, she bounced from various sales jobs and eventually became a Life Insurance Agent. Providing life insurance matched with all of her passions: helping others, traveling, and providing something everyone needs.
Lachalle Armstrong; an engineer at Bayer Medical, is a Senior Supplier Quality Engineering Manager and develops quality radiology equipment for hospitals such as: CTscans and MRI’s units. She emphasized the notion that no matter how advanced technology becomes, there is always a brain behind the schematics. This is true as engineers play a major role in human and technological development.
We would like to thank our speakers for their participation and all they do for people and the community. Their time spent in the spotlight will be remembered by all the youth who resonated with their stories and their passions. Each light that shines ahead is just a guiding star for those who are next in line. We look forward to making our next Career Spotlight an even bigger success.
